CARES Act In为mation

The applications 为 HEERF I, HEERF II, 第三轮高等教育资助计划的前三轮已结束,我们不再接受申请. Round IV of HEERF III is under review. The application has been released on Monday, May 23rd.


Graduate Students

研究生有资格获得最高2,000美元的HEERF III资助. In order to receive these funds, 研究生必须满足HEERF III的所有资助标准并完成这一轮 IV application.


  • 由FAFSA或机构评估表确定的经济需求-学生必须有完整的2021-2022和2022-2023 FAFSA或机构表格存档.

  • Students who are eligible 为 subsidized loans, 必须借入可提供的全部资助贷款,才有资格申请第三轮资助计划的第四轮资助.

  • Students who have already received a total of $8,000 in HEERF I, HEERF II, 和第三轮高等教育资助基金所有奖励年度的基金合在一起,不符合第三轮高等教育资助基金第四轮的资格 funding.

Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds

自3月13日正式宣布COVID-19大流行紧急状态以来, 2020年颁布了三项单独的法案,为各机构提供紧急救济资金 higher learning. 阿尔弗诺学院已经收到并将前两项法案的全部资金分配给了学生. 阿尔维诺目前正在敲定第三个项目的资金分配细节 比尔. Below you will find a summary of each 比尔, criteria used to distribute the funds 和 the current status.


The Coronavirus 援助, 《vns6060威尼斯城官网》高等教育紧急救济基金在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间为高等教育机构提供了财政支持. 根据《vnsr威尼斯城官网登入》第18004(a)(1)条收到的资金中,至少有50%将用于向生活受到干扰的学生提供紧急经济援助. 这些 grant funds, which do not need to be repaid, are meant to cover expenses like 食物 和 housing; childcare; transportation; 和 technology.

vnsr威尼斯城官网登入已经签署并归还了美国教育部认证和协议,并获得了关怀法案的资金. A total of $869,259 in Emergency Financial 援助 Grants has been 自2020年5月11日星期一起,按照以下流程发放给学生.

财政援助办公室根据受影响最直接的学生群体优先支付, 包括当时在校园里生活或工作的学生 the outbreak 和 no longer have a source of income. 所有有兴趣接受援助的学生都必须提交申请.

  • 财政援助办公室一波又一波地通过电子邮件向学生发送申请资金的申请. 所有2020年春季学期入学的学生都收到了申请.
  • 共向来自关怀计划I的620名学生提供了869,259美元的赠款.
  • 2020年,该机构有1393名学生有资格参加第四章课程, 因此有资格根据第18004(a)(1)条获得紧急财政援助赠款 of the CARES Act.

截至2021年5月19日:申请现已发送给所有符合条件的学生. The application period is closed.

冠状病毒应对和救济补充拨款(CRSAA)法案——(HEERF II)

The Coronavirus Response 和 Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), Public Law 116-260 was signed into law on Dec. 27, 2020. This law allows 为 additional emergency grants to students at designated colleges 和 universities. vnsr威尼斯城官网登入已收到一笔拨款,并根据需求优先次序向学生分发紧急补助金,包括 成立分公司, 注册持有的学生可能会阻止他们继续学习, students with housing or 食物 insecurity, technology needs, tuition 和 other expenses related to the COVID-19 p和emic. 紧急补助金申请已根据这种需求优先次序分批发送给学生群体. As of today, $862,964 has been distributed to 364 students.

As of May 19, 2021年:此时收到的申请已超过可用资金. The application period is closed.

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) -- (HEERF III)

2021年3月11日,拜登总统签署了《vnsr威尼斯城官网登入》(ARP)。. 该计划下的拨款与HEERF I和HEERF II类似, with minor modifications.

COVID-19紧急补助金旨在帮助因冠状病毒而产生紧急费用(如学费)的学生, technology, 食物, housing, health care (including mental health), child care. 助学金也可用于支付就读费用的任何部分.

FAFSA资格不再是获得紧急拨款的必要条件. However in order to determine need, 学生必须填写FAFSA或机构评估表 (电子邮件 if you need the 为m).

如果你或你的家庭成员的收入包括在你的FAFSA经历过失业,你的成立分公司大于0, please email the Financial 援助 Office at to see if you qualify 为 a re-evaluation of your 2021-22 FAFSA.

紧急补助金将优先给予有特殊需要的学生. 以前没有获得紧急补助金的学生也将优先考虑. Applications will be emailed out to students in waves based on a need prioritization.There were 1,作为美国救援计划的一部分,有资格参加HEERF III的661名学生. 

截至2021年10月1日:夏季申请期现已关闭.  The funding is need-based 和 awarded on a priority basis. As of today a total of $873,572 in emergency grants have been awarded to 300 students. 第四轮申请现已开放,请查看页面顶部的更多信息.

如果你是一名没有紧急资金就无法继续学业的学生, 或者如果你认识一个没有紧急情况就无法继续学业的学生 funding, please contact the office of Student Success:


All other questions can be directed to: 


Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund: Institutional Funding

In addition to the student aid funds, vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 was awarded $994,286,来自高等教育紧急救济基金的机构资金(第18004(a)(1)机构部分), 和 18004 (a)(2) SIP和MSI),以帮助支付因冠状病毒和其他冠状病毒相关费用而导致教学发生重大变化的相关费用. Quarterly Reports are posted here detailing the spending of those funds: Quarterly Report 04-08-2022Quarterly Report 10-06-2021, Quarterly Report 6-30-21, Quarterly Report Summary 6-30-2021,Quarterly Report 3-31-21Quarterly Report Summary 3-31-2021Quarterly Report 12-31-20Quarterly Report 10-30-20 Quarterly 5-6-2022Quarterly Report 10-6-2021Quarterly Report 1-10-2021Quarterly Reports 5-6-2022Quarterly Report 7-10-2021Quarterly Report 6-30-2022 Quarterly Report 10-10-2022 Quarterly Report 1-9-2023 Quarterly Report 4-10-2023 Quarterly Report 7-10-23

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